Sunday, August 16, 2009

Let the Good Thoughts Roll - Off Your Tongue

I was in line at the grocery store and noticed the woman behind me looking at me. I wondered what was wrong. Had I dropped something? Were my clothes ripped? Was my ice cream melting on the floor? Then to my surprise she said, "I'm sorry for staring but you have the most beautiful legs!" And that was the start of a most glorious day for me.

My favorite yoga instructor always started class with a story. One night she asked us to think about all the positive things we think about other people. Then she asked, "Why don't we let people know what we are thinking"? She encouraged us to tell people - even strangers on the street - those positive thoughts.

I usually do, but made a mental note to be even more aware of it knowing the effect it had on me.

I challenge you to "Let the good thoughts roll off your tongue"! Try it and let me know the results. I look forward to your stories.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely believe in the concept of sharing good thoughts with others. It's better to follow the rule of "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"'s also been a challenge of mine to try to get a smile out of a person who is disgruntled.
