Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ever Elusive Quiet Time

An instructor asked me to teach one of her fitness classes. It was at the same club I was heading to for my yoga class, but there was a 45 minute time gap between the end of her class and the start of mine. No class filled the time slot - just an empty room. I agreed to teach for her. I thought I would use the time to catch up on some telephone calls I had been meaning to make.

After the room emptied from the ab class I set up my yoga mat and sat down to make a few calls. I did manage to connect with one person but most of the calls I made ended up with me talking to peoples' voice messages. That was ok. At least they knew I was thinking about them as I left a cheery Hello. I still had a half hour before my yoga class started. I thought - wow - here is a full thirty minutes to just enjoy silence and meditate and I was trying to fill it up with calls and activity. I put the phone away and lay down on my mat in corpse pose to breathe and enjoy the quiet.

I had missed that place where everything stops except the breath. It was a wonderful thirty minutes and I intend to find more. As the new year takes off and so many of us are looking for more I will be looking for less. Less things to fill my time and more time to enjoy the silence. I look forward to the places my thoughts will take me and the ideas that never had a chance to grow because of all the activity around them.

Happy New Year.

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