Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Million Stars

I found a comfortable place on the top of the picnic table and relaxed on my back staring up into the night sky. What a view! So many stars were visible that it was impossible to count. What a contrast to the view I usually experience from my house in the suburbs. But tonight I was out in the country - way out in the country - and I was going to be present in the moment and enjoy every minute of it. I was teaching a business class for a power plant and was staying at a "rustic" lodge near the plant. I love the city but there is something about walking in the woods, hanging out just staring at the sky, not rushing to go anywhere or to do anything - that is SO GOOD for the soul. And I wanted to take in every minute of it before I sent myself off to bed to rest for work for the next day.

In yoga class I remind my students to be present in the class, to leave their troubles at the door and enjoy the hour they have given themselves to take care of just them. So many times we miss out on what is before us because we are thinking about what we should have done or what we should be doing or what we have to do when we finish what we are doing now...

Try to be more present in your moments. Enjoy where you are - even if it isn't exactly where you thought you would be or it didn't turn out exactly like you thought it would or how you wanted it to be. It is what it is and I encourage you to enjoy it anyway.

Then - tell me about it.

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